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About Metabolic Balance®

Metabolic Balance® is an award-winning hormone balancing and weight management program designed to reset the metabolism naturally by regulating insulin levels and putting a stop to “yo yo dieting.” Developed in Germany in 2001 by Dr. Wolf Funfack, Birgit Funfack and Silvia Bürkle, this highly-respected and scientifically-proven program has been revered by doctors, nutritionists, scientists and health enthusiasts across Europe for its long-term success rates for over 20 years – but it has never been widely available in the United States - until now.


As the quintessential "food as medicine" program, ​Metabolic Balance® is designed to support the healing of nutritional diseases by eating real, whole foods from the supermarket (no pills, no shakes, no “banned” food groups). It has been proven in double-blind studies to reduce a number of factors associated with metabolic syndrome including Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity, as well as fatty liver disease, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.


Metabolic Balance® is not a “diet!” It is a lifestyle and weight management solution - this means that those wanting to gain weight will also reach their ideal weight on this meal plan. There are no ongoing or hidden costs, no product promotion or future sales push. This is intended as a one-time cost with re-balancing/re-education benefits that last a lifetime.


Participants of the Metabolic Balance® program report increased energy, better digestion, improved skin health, stronger immune system, reduced food cravings, increased fat burning, increased muscle building, and better sleep – as well as a myriad of anti-aging benefits.


Over 1 million people have gone through this program and remain grateful members of the Metabolic Balance® community. With a worldwide success rate of over 90%, Metabolic Balance® enjoys glowing results from clients and celebrities alike who have realized its life-changing health benefits. To date, no other weight management program has proven to have the same long-term success rates as Metabolic Balance®.




If you suffer from any of the following, this program is for you:


  • Hormonal issues: lower belly weight gain, perimenopause/menopause symptoms (hot flashes, fatigue, poor libido), heavy periods, infertility, fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS

  • Digestive issues: overeating/undereating, bloating, acid reflux/heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome/disease, constipation, gas, diarrhea, leaky gut syndrome

  • Metabolic issues: Type 2 diabetes, obesity, difficulty gaining/losing weight, high cholesterol, fatty liver, heart disease, stroke, blood sugar imbalances, thyroid issues (chronically being too cold/too warm, constipation, low energy, hair loss), water retention, swollen ankles, cellulite

  • Stress issues: fatigue/exhaustion, anxiety, restlessness, sleep disturbances/melatonin depletion

  • Inflammatory issues: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain, auto-immune disorders, food intolerances/allergies, yeast overgrowth, skin issues (acne, eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections, keratoses, rashes/itchiness, dry skin), certain cancers

  • Aging issues: premature hair greying, wrinkles, loose skin, age spots, collagen loss, low-energy, loss of mobility and vitality, osteoporosis​


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