13 days into my Metabolic Balance program was the first day I experienced a hint of tiredness in the middle of the day. I had been running, running, running for days, enjoying and fully utilizing my new-found energy – and now I had my period (sorry for the overshare)! I walked towards the kitchen to do what I’ve always done when I’m tired… get a nice strong cup of black tea.
Before Metabolic Balance, due to life with a capital “L” (parenting an 8-year old single child while peri-menopausal and working full-time – need I say more?), and especially during the month-long London vacation we’d taken just before I started my program – I had gotten into the habit of drinking A. Lot. of tea... STRONG matcha in the morning, and often 2 cups of black tea later in the day (the stronger the better)! I was also using more and more monk fruit or stevia to sweeten my tea with each passing day (I had become desensitized to the sweetness). Unsweetened almond milk was my go-to for creamer, and nothing made me happier than sitting down with a mug of my trusty brew.
Like I said, for the first 12 days of my program, I was bursting with energy! So much so, that – especially following the 2-day, no-caffeine prep phase – it was VERY easy for me to begin drinking less tea. Much less. Whereas before I would let that tea bag sit in my cup for as long as possible, I now found myself setting a timer for 1-minute and pulling the bag straight out. Because I had to drink it black, I didn’t want it getting bitter – and furthermore, I really did not need it. It was more psychological to have that warm mug with my breakfast.
But this day, I was tired. I was about to do my first prospective client intro call, and I worried I might not be my perky self for answering questions. So yes, I was headed for that kitchen! But then it hit me. This program is all about re-setting your unhealthy habits. It’s about listening to your body. And I realized…. my “body” doesn’t want tea, no matter how tired I may be! I’m not “tea-deficient.” Never will an internal signal say, “You know what? What your body really needs right now is some caffeine.” It might say, “You really need a rest,” or “you need to stretch,” or “drink water!” Just as if I had a headache, it might tell me I’m tired, dehydrated, vitamin-deficient, etc. - but it’s never going to tell me I’m “Advil-deficient.” (I haven’t taken Advil for years, but you get the point!)
In that moment I turned around and put my arms out on my bed and bent and stretched my back. I then stood up and folded at the hips and touched my toes, hanging there for a couple minutes to let the blood rush to my head and arms and hands. I came down to the floor and stretched in child’s pose for a minute or two. Then I got another nudge to step out onto my bedroom balcony and take some deep breaths of fresh air. And then, I did the thing that helped me the most – I put my face in the sun. I took off my sweatshirt and put my arms in the sun as well. I stood there on my balcony with my eyes closed and let it recharge my batteries, cell by cell.
When I came back in I felt, as they used to say upon waking at summer camp, Alive, Alert, Awake, Enthusiastic! I had my call, and guess what… I was relaxed, un-caffeinated, and able to calmly and confidently walk my client through the intake process.
And then, I was tired again for the rest of the day. So, I went to bed early that night and got some great rest which my body clearly needed. And then I woke up full of energy, as I had been the previous 12 days! All was back to normal. All because I DIDN’T sabotage my body’s messages to me by running to my default cup of tea. By doing this, I stepped out of the caffeine loop that I always trapped myself in before. I had a tired day, and I dealt with it. This was simply part of the metabolic balancing process as the melatonin trapped in my fat cells began to be released and accessible to me again. I did what I was naturally supposed to do - I gave my body the rest it needed so that I could wake up the next day and NOT need caffeine to get through it!
I don’t know that this experiment would have worked for me before the amazing energy rush that Metabolic Balance has given me. But it sure as heck worked great this time. And, to finish the story, I now find it completely unthinkable how much cr*p I was putting into my tea! My taste buds have changed. I can't say for sure, but it's possible I will keep drinking it black long after I'm out of this phase.
While you’re on this program, remember to tune in and listen for your inner guidance. It’s a wonderful opportunity to get to know yourself better and begin making the choices that your body truly needs.